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News Archive
Headshot of Deena Kemp, Ph.D. — a Black woman with her hair in a ponytail swooped to one side wearing a pink button-down shirt and a dark pink cardigan — guest for the CHC's Talking About Talking About Health podcast.

Disgustingly Effective: Leveraging Emotions in Health Communication

The CHC launched a limited podcast series for health communication researchers, educators, and practitioners — Talking About Talking About Health.

A photo of Dr. Greg Wallingford sitting down in front of a yellow background looking at the camera.

Strategies to Support Team Well-Being

We've launched a new HCTS course in partnership with TEPHI — providing in-the-moment tools and frame works to debrief stressful situations with individuals or teams.

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Dealing with Conflicting Health Information

We've launched a new HCTS course in partnership with TEPHI — a crash course in understanding types of conflicting information, why research can sometimes seem contradictory, and how to start civilized conversations about misunderstood health topics.

Jennifer Graham

Administrative Assistant Joins CHC Staff

Say hello to Jennifer Graham, the CHC's new administrative assistant!

Lindsay Bouchacourt

CHC Welcomes Research Associate

Meet Lindsay Bouchacourt, Ph.D., the CHC's newest research associate.

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Accessible Health Communication for All

This HCTS course explores health disparities affecting the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) community and ways to help bridge those gaps.

HLCI attendees playing rock paper scissors

HCLI 2023 Highlights

HCLI 2023 welcomed plenty of first timers and familiar faces alike. We hosted an impressive lineup of speakers from a wide range of organizations to share their insights in health communication and leadership.

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Equity Science, Health Equity, and Big Data

Explore the definition of equity science and how it plays a vital role in health communication research and practice to help achieve health equity for all.

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Visual Design in Health Communication

Explore the importance of visuals in health campaigns, and learn best practices for making design choices in your work.

Jessica Hughes Wagner and Mike Mackert describing their course, "Thinking Like a Health Communication Problem Solver"

Think Like a Health Comm Problem Solver

This course will help you think through common health communication challenges and come up with unique solutions backed up by research and practice.

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Pandemic Preparedness Communication

In partnership with the Texas Epidemic Public Health Institute, this course covers the fundamental aspects of pandemic preparedness at an organizational level.

faculty teams collaborating

CHER Grant Program Awards 6th Cycle Grantees

The CHER Grant Program has named the recipients for the 2022-2023 funding cycle.

Laura Anaya Rodriguez

Program Coordinator Joins CHC Staff

Say hello to Laura Anaya Rodriguez, the CHC's new program coordinator!

Lauren Kriss

CHC Welcomes Sr. Program Coordinator

Introducing Lauren Kriss, the CHC's new senior program coordinator!

Headshot of Charulata Ghosh

CHC Welcomes Research Associate

Meet Charu, the newest member of the CHC team!

Headshot of Anna LoSecco

Sr. Program Coordinator Joins CHC Team

Say hello to Anna LoSecco, our newest team member!

CHC is a Texas Mother-Friendly Workplace

CHC is a Texas Mother-Friendly Workplace

Today the Center for Health Communication joined a growing number of Texas businesses by becoming designated as a Texas Mother-Friendly Worksite.

Lara OToole

Sr. Program Coordinator Joins CHC Staff

Please welcome Lara O'Toole, our newest team member!

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Health Literacy for All

Learn the basics of health literacy, explore assessment tools, and discover the right tools and strategies to apply to meet your clients' unique health communication needs.

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Disparities, Health Equity, and Health Communication

Explore the roles health equity and communication play in the quality of healthcare outcomes and addressing health and racial disparities among communities of color.

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Pain, Opioids, and Hard Conversations

Better understand the complexities of patient-provider conversations about pain and opioids in this online, self-paced course.

Ellen Shin

Graphic Designer Joins CHC Staff

Say hello to Ellen Shin, our new graphic designer!

Headshot of Asha Thompson

Sr. Graphic Designer Joins CHC Staff

Please welcome Asha Thompson, our new senior graphic designer!

Natalie Tarrant

Graphic Designer Joins the CHC Staff

Introducing Natalie Tarrant, our newest graphic designer!

Headshot of Jeremy Martin

Sr. Program Coordinator Joins CHC Staff

Say hello to Jeremy Martin, our new senior program coordinator!

Lauren Pezzullo

Copywriter Joins CHC Staff

Introducing Lauren Pezzullo, the newest CHC team member!

Chris Beeler

CHC Welcomes Creative Director

Say hello to Chris Beeler, the CHC's new creative director!

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Emotions in Health Communication

An introduction to research highlighting the role emotions play in how people process health information and practical implications of that research for developing message-based interventions.

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Patient-Provider Communication

This course focuses on how better communication can improve patient health outcomes and avoid provider burnout.

Headshot of Katilin Berns

Program Coordinator Joins CHC Staff

Introducing Kaitlin Berns, the CHC's new program coordinator!

Headshot of Olubunmi Obayemi

CHC Welcomes Research Associate

Say hello to Olubunmi Obayemi, the CHC's new research associate!

Weijia Shi

Research Associate Joins CHC Staff

Say hello to Weijia Shi, our new research associate!

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Audience-Centered Message Design

Explore steps and techniques to help you design audience-centered and evidence-based health messages.

Catherine Cunningham

CHC Welcomes Research Associate

Say hello to Catherine Cunningham, the CHC's new research associate!

Melanie Susswein

Program Manager Joins CHC Staff

Please welcome Melanie Susswein, our new program manager.

Alyssa Daniell

Event Coordinator Intern Joins CHC Staff

Say hello to Alyssa Daniell, our new student intern!

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CHC Launches Online Education Course

The CHC has launched the first course in the Health Communication Training Series — Mental Health, Stigma, and Communication. This course highlights the importance of communicating effectively about mental health and the impact stigma has on the patient-provider relationship.

Paloma Gray

CHC Welcomes Sr. Program Coordinator

Please welcome Paloma Gray, the CHC's new senior program coordinator.

HCLI 2021 Zoom speaker squares

HCLI 2021 Highlights

On the heels of a global pandemic that illuminated every facet of our public health systems, health communicators have their work cut out for them in the new decade ahead. It’s undeniable the need for effective and compassionate health communicators is at an all-time high.

 Eileen Artigas

CHC Welcomes Program Coordinator

Say hello to Eileen Artigas, our new program coordinator!

working remotely on laptop

The CHC in 2020

Looking back on 2020, this is certainly not the year we could have imagined around the Center for Health Communication (CHC). The importance of effectively communicating about health has seldom been so clear, and the CHC had many accomplishments to celebrate even amidst the uncertainty and challenges this year presented.

Shayna Brewer

Graphic Designer Joins CHC Team

Please welcome Shayna Brewer, our newest graphic designer!

Komal Gandhi

Online Education Program Manager Joins CHC

Say hello to our new online education program manager, Komal Gandhi!

A screenshot of all the 2020 HCLI attendees on Zoom for the first virtual HCLI

HCLI 2020 Highlights

Hosting a conference during the spread of COVID-19 posed unique challenges. With the determination of our staff this year, we were able to pivot from the usual three-day event on campus into one six-hour virtual conference. And you know what? We had fun doing it.

woman reading white paper on mental health communication

Free Mental Health Communication Resources Available

With support from the Hogg Foundation for Mental Health, a team at the UT Center for Health Communication has created a whitepaper and curriculum modules—all available to the public for free—around one important question: What are the best ways to train healthcare professionals and journalists about mental health and mental illness communication... and why should we?

Billy Table, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow Joins CHC Staff

Please welcome Billy Table, Ph.D., the CHC's new postdoctoral fellow.

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¡Es Tiempo de Vacunarte! 2

Earlier this year, the CHC began a new project and partnership with the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso Department of Family and Community Medicine to develop messages for social media and text messages to promote HPV vaccination.

Michael Mackert, Ph.D. presenting

What's Next in 2020?

We’re a month into a new year and a few weeks into the spring semester, which is a good moment to look at what has already happened in 2020 and consider what’s coming this year.

Eddie Silva

CHC Welcomes New Web Developer

Say hello to Eddie Silva, the CHC's first ever web developer!

Zach Cohen-Ford

Program Coordinator Joins CHC Staff

Say hello to Zach Cohen-Ford, the CHC's new program coordinator!

Nick Brothers

Copywriter Joins CHC Team

Please welcome Nick Brothers, our new copywriter, to the CHC!

Ryann Freeman

Program Coordinator Joins CHC Team

Say hello to Ryann Freeman, the CHC's new program coordinator!

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CHC Launches App for Expectant Fathers

Two weeks ago, we enjoyed the major public launch of the Father’s Playbook app – an app designed to get expectant fathers involved in prenatal health and beyond.

Merian Karpen

CHC Welcomes New Graphic Designer

Please welcome graphic designer Merian Karpen to the CHC team!

Nicole Kirschten

Graphic Designer Joins CHC Team

Say hello to our newest graphic designer, Nicole Kirschten!

mental health work

New Projects for a New Academic Year

As we enter the second year of our 2-year theme on mental health and health communication, we’re about to pursue several new projects including a whitepaper on communicating about mental health and developing education materials for health and communication professionals.

mental health whitepaper

Producing a Whitepaper on Mental Health Communication

Thanks to a grant from the Hogg Foundation for Mental Health, the CHC has begun production on a whitepaper meant to advance the American conversation about mental health.

alumni presentation

HCLI Alumni at NCHHMM 2019

A group of Health Communication Leadership Institute alumni presented a spotlight session at the 2019 National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing, and Media titled Lessons in Leadership: Tips and Strategies for Health Communication Professionals.

Mike Mackert and Dr. Jewell Mullen

HCLI 2019 Highlights

Fearless. Risk Taker. Creative. Empathetic. Great listener. We asked participants at this summer’s Health Communication Leadership Institute (HCLI) to tell us the essential qualities of a health communication leader.

A hospital hand hygiene campaign featuring three hands with different types of protection (a garden glove, an oven mitt, and a dishwashing rubber glove) with text reading "Protects you" and then a pair of hands washing with soap and text that reads "Protects everyone"

Take Time. Save Lives. — A Hospital Hand Hygiene Campaign

We developed a campaign that was focused on hand hygiene as an approach that could protect everyone: patients, hospital workers, and even the family and friends of hospital workers.

poster session

Mental Health and Health Communication Symposium: Reflections

It’s been a couple of weeks since the CHC hosted its Mental Health and Health Communication Symposium. The symposium was part of a 2-year theme on mental health and health communication, which was intended to invite in new partners from around UT-Austin and the community to engage at the intersection of mental health and health communication.

man holding out asthma inhaler

Second Round of CHER Funds

In our second year of the CHER program, we had another competitive cohort of applicants. We funded two excellent projects that again bring together faculty from the far reaches of campus to pursue projects that will advance health communication research and practice.

Dr. Octavio Martinez from the Hogg Foundation for Mental Health

Mental Health and Health Communication Symposium

The CHC is a full semester into a 2-year theme on mental health and health communication and as we look to the spring, we’re pursuing a new and ambitious event — a 1-day symposium on mental health and health communication.

nurse and patient discussing medicine

Texas Prescription Monitoring Program Promotion

For the past year, we’ve been working on a project to promote the use of the Texas PMP as a tool for prescribers to make appropriate prescribing decisions.

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Father's Playbook Pilot Launch

The CHC has launched a pilot version of the Father's Playbook app — designed to get expectant fathers involved in prenatal health and beyond.


The CHC in 2018-2019: An Evolution

As we stare down the start of the fall semester, we might be hitting a new phase of the CHC’s existence: one of ongoing evolution rather than radical revolution.

communication between a patient and doctor

Studying the Effects of Empathetic Healthcare: A CHER Awardee Project

David Ring, M.D., Ph.D., along with colleagues Joost Kortlever, M.D., and Laura Brown, Ph.D. have begun research with the help of the CHER Grant Program to identify important elements of empathetic communication between a patient and their doctor.

three women

CHER Awardee Kicks Off Funded Project

One CHER grant funded project — The CARE Study: Communicating About Research with Empathy — begins research to investigate fears and mythologies surrounding clinical trials.

bts video shoot

The Potential of a 2-Year Theme on Mental Health and Health Communication

While we’re still very much in the planning stages of our 2-year theme on mental health and health communication, it’s getting easier to see not only how the theme might work, but also how research launched as a result might affect sweeping changes in mental health care.

empathic health worker

Supporting Research Through the CHER Grant Program

Through the CHER grant program, researchers at Moody and Dell Med together will find ways to better tell these stories and to slowly shift healthcare away from a reactive, metric-bound mindset toward a mindset of empathy, preemptive care, and prevention.

writing on a laptop

Documenting Year 1 of the CHER Grant Program

A reflection on the first year of the CHER Grant Program and a collection of student-written articles documenting the inaugural grantee projects.

Shana Merlin and Rob Milman presenting at HCLI

HCLI 2018 Highlights

This past week was the Center for Health Communication’s fourth annual Health Communication Leadership Institute and this time around, HCLI has truly hit its stride.

Michael Mackert, Ph.D. presenting at HCLI

Health Communication: Leadership as Evolution

A look into the upcoming Health Communication Leadership Institute — the CHC's premier professional development event.

mental health

A Theme (and Experiment) for 2018-2020

A look inside how the CHC's 2-year theme on mental health and health communication came to be.

mental health support

CHC to Launch Theme on Mental Health and Health Communication

The CHC is proud to announce the launch of a new 2-year theme: Mental Health and Health Communication. The theme will begin in Fall 2018 and run throughout the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 academic years.

Michael Mackert, Ph.D. leading the steering committee meeting

The CHC in 2017-2018

CHC Director Mike Mackert reflects on the 2017-2018 academic year and what's on the horizon for the Center.

Tobacco cessation

Tobacco-Free UT: A System-Wide Initiative

CHC Director Mike Mackert shares highlights of the first year of the Eliminate Tobacco Use Initiative.

Check the PMP

Texas PMP Campaign: Progress and Benefits

CHC Director Mike Mackert shares updates and highlights of the Center's work on the Texas Prescription Monitoring Program project.

team work

Getting Organized in 2018

CHC Director Mike Mackert reflects on where the Center for Health Communication (CHC) is going, how to best organize the team to get great work done, and how that organization can also keep the work fun and invigorating.


Fast and Fruitful: A Fall Recap

CHC Director Mike Mackert reflects on the first full academic semester of the Center for Health Communication as a joint academic center between the Moody College of Communication and Dell Medical School.

Opioid Epidemic

The Texas PMP and the Opioid Epidemic

CHC Director Mike Mackert shares updates on the Texas Prescription Monitoring Program project from the fall semester.

faculty at inaugural CHER grant awards

Inaugural CHER Grant Awards

The CHER Grant Program awarded approximately $20,000 in its inaugural 2017-18 grant cycle for three projects.

Engaging Men in Prenatal Health via eHealth

The Road to Engaging Men in Prenatal Health

The CHC is now working as part of a team, supported by state funding, to build a mobile app that could become a platform for engaging men across Texas on issues related to prenatal health and fatherhood more broadly.

Mobile Apps as Audience

Anecdotes and Inspiration in Health Communication

CHC Director Mike Mackert shares a personal anecdote highlighting how individual experiences can serve as inspiration or illustrate the importance of health communication in improving people's health and wellness.

Mike Mackert shares his thoughts

The CHC as a Joint Academic Center

Mike Mackert shares his thoughts on the future of the CHC as a joint academic center of the Moody College of Communication and Dell Medical School.

Jessica Hughes Wagner

HCLI 2017 Highlights

CHC Assistant Director Jessica Hughes Wagner shares highlights and memorable moments from the third annual Health Communication Leadership Institute.

Director Mike Mackert

Kicking Off HCLI 2017

CHC Director Mike Mackert reflects on previous Health Communication Leadership Institutes and what the third cohort has in store this year.

Siddhartha Mukherjee at McGovern Lecture

Siddhartha Mukherjee Gives McGovern Lecture

On Monday, April 24, the CHC welcomed Dr. Siddhartha Mukherjee to The University of Texas at Austin for the 2017 McGovern Lecture in Health Communication.

Mike Mackert

Michael Mackert, Ph.D. Named New CHC Director

Newly appointed Director of the UT Center for Health Communication Dr. Mike Mackert shares his thoughts and vision for the future of the CHC.